St. Patrick’s Church, Ballysteen:
Sun 22nd: 9am Kit Neville, A/V.
5pm Confessions for Christmas.
Tues 24th: 6.30pm Christmas Eve Mass.
Christmas Dues Collection.
Wed 25th: 9.30am Christmas Day Mass.
St. Mary’s Church, Askeaton:
Sat 21st 7.30pm Buddy & Noelle Dalton, A/V
Jacqueline Harte, A/V.
Paddy McMahon, A/V.
Sun 22nd 10.30am Kathleen McAuliffe, A/V.
Michael O’Shaughnessy, Memorial Mass. RIP.
Mon 23rd: 9.30am Patrick Dunworth, A/V.
7pm Confessions for Christmas.
Tues 24th: 8pm Christmas Eve Mass
Christmas Dues Collection
Wed 25th: 11.30am Christmas Day
Kay Clarkin, A/V.
Thurs 26th: 10am St. Stephen’s Day Mass
Fri 27th: 7.30pm Family & Life Mass preceded by Holy Hour.
Sat 28th: 7.30pm Ger Boyce, 1st A/V.
Sun 29th: 10.30am Mass for the People of the Parish.
Weekend of the 29th December 2024
St. Patrick’s Church, Ballysteen:
Sun 29th: 9am Mass for the People
Fri 3rd: 10am First Friday Mass
Sun 5th: 9am Mass for the People
Mon 6th: 9am Feast of the Epiphany.
St. Mary’s Church, Askeaton:
Sat 28th 7.30pm Ger Boyce, 1st A/V
Sun 29th 10.30am Feast of the Holy Family.
Mon 30th: 9.30am Morning Mass & Holy Hour.
Tues 31st: 9.30am Morning Mass & Holy Hour.
Wed 1st: 9.30am Morning Mass & Holy Hour
Thurs 2nd: 9.30am Morning Mass & Holy Hour.
Fri 3rd: 7.30pm First Friday Mass preceded by Holy Hour.
Sat 4th: 7.30pm John & Lilian Blackwell, A/V.
Frank O’Callaghan, A/V.
Sun 5th: 10.30am Mass for the People of the Parish.
7.30pm Vigil of the Feast of the Epiphany.
Mon 6th: 10.30am Feast of the Epiphany.